Products & Solutions

Fangmeier Agri Trade GmbH & Co. KG has been founded in 2011 into the Fangmeier Group.

The company specialises in the trade of agricultural products, destined to be used in the food processing and animal feed industries.

Besides Fangmeier Agrarhandel focussed on crisp potatoes, Fangmeier AgriTrade forms another pillar of Fangmeier Group’s commercial activities.

Corn, besides rapeseed and wheat make up the core areas of the products we trade. The major share is produced by Fangmeier farms in Hungary and Romania. From there the goods are marketed Europe-wide. The transportation logistics is organized mainly in-house at Fangmeier.

The production at Fangmeier farms allows us to cover the entire value chain from cultivation up to the final processing customer, one-stop.

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